
数到10。说中国话!练习!练习! Count to 10! Speak Chinese! Practice! Practice!

熊猫宝宝在台北动物园。Baby panda at the Taipei Zoo.

Kindergarten Unit 1 Listening

Le Jardin Academy Mandarin Chinese 2013-2014
The Kindergarten language course focuses on the developemnt of communicative competence in the target language 
and understanding of the culture of the people who speak the language.  It assumes that the students have some prior knowledge
of the language and culture from previous years.
The major means of communication between students and the instructor will be in the target language.  Because students may 
begin formal language learning at various stages of their cognitive developemnt, teachers will adjust vocabulary and content
to reflect developmentally appropriate interests.
An important component of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world.  The integration of 
technology is an important tool in accessing authentic information in the target lanuage and in providing students the 
opportunity to interact with each other and outside Chinese speakers.
Unit Themes/Concepts Standard Pacing
Unit 1: 1.  Commands MLEK.IP1A 9 weeks
Getting Started in 2.  Pinyin MLEK.IP1G
Chinese 3.  Four tones MLEK.IP2A
4.  Nature MLEK.IP2B
Essential Question: 5.  Basic shapes MLEK.INT1A
What is China?  What  5.  Counting 1-10 MLEK.CCC1A
will you learn in the 6.  Name MLEK.CCC1B
following year?  This 7.  The idea of China and its significance
theme based unit will 8.  Classroom introductions
focus on nature and 9.  Mooon Festival
numbers 10.  Moon cake
11.  Lanterns
Unit Themes/Concepts Standard Pacing
Unit 2: 1.  Animal words MLEK.IP1B 9 weeks
Animals and Colors 2.  The importance of the panda MLEK.IP2A
3.  Animal craft (year of the tiger) MLEK.INT1B
4.  Big and small MLEK.CU1A
Essential Question: 5.  Jump, run MLEK.CCC2A
How many colors do you 6.  Basic colors MLEK.CCC2B
know?  How do you  7.  Combine animals and color
say different animal  8.  Combine animals, numbers, color
names in Chinese? 9.  Units such as ten, hundred, thousand, ten
This theme based unit  thousand
will focus on animals 11.  How Chinese people celebrate Christmas
and color.
Unit 3: 1.  Fruits MLEK.IP1C 9 weeks
Fruit, School, and 2.  Combine fruits, colors, numbers MLEK.IP1D
Chinese New Year 3.  School objects MLEK.IP2A
4.  Calligraphy MLEK.IP2B
Essential Question: 5.  Simple sentences MLEK.INT2A
Various fruits in Chinese. 6.  The story of Nian MLEK.P1A
School objects.  How do  7.  Lunar calendar MLEK>CU1B
we use prior knowledge 8.  The 14 days of Chinese New Year MLEK.CCC3A
to form sentences? 9.  Yuan Xiao Festival MLEK.CCC3B
How do Chinese  10.  Watch the Chinese New Year variety show.
celebrate the new year? 11.  Celebrate Chinese New Year
How do we celebrate
the new year?
Unit 4: 1.  Greeting MLEK.P2B 9 weeks
Greetings and 2.  The proper way to greet your elder MLEK.CU1C
Body Parts 3.  The use of Ni and nNin MLEK.CCC4A
4.  Translating names MLEK.CCC4B
Essential Question: 5.  Body parts
What is the proper way 6.  Tall and short
to greet someone older? 7.  Big and small
How do we greet each 8.  Pictographic writing
other?  How do we 9.  Review
say body parts in
Chinese?  How do we
express tall and short,
big, and small?  What is
a pictograph?

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