5th Grade

学习软件解释事事。Learn the app Explain Everything.

Le Jardin Academy Mandarin Chinese 2013-2014

Grade 5

The Grade 3 language course focuses on the developemnt of communicative competence in the target language 
and understanding of the culture of the people who speak the language.  It assumes that the students have some prior knowledge
of the language and culture from previous years.

The major means of communication between students and the instructor will be in the target language.  Because students may 
begin formal language learning at various stages of their cognitive developemnt, teachers will adjust vocabulary and content
to reflect developmentally appropriate interests.

An important component of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world.  The integration of 
technology is an important tool in accessing authentic information in the target lanuage and in providing students the 
opportunity to interact with each other and outside Chinese speakers.

Unit Themes/Concepts Standard Pacing
Unit 1 1.  Review MLE4.IP1A 9 weeks
Daily life 2.  Stating classes
3.  Today, yesterday, tomorrow MLE4.INT1A
4.  Have and does not have MLE4.CU1A
How do we state which 5.  Days of the week
class we have/don't  6.  The internet
have?  How do we state  7.  The difference between USA/PRC internet MLE4.CCC1B
our classes in Chinese? 8.  Different daily activities
How do we state the 9.  Combine time phrase with activity
days of the week?  What  10.  Write five simple Chinese words
is the difference in  11.  Write radicals
internet in China and the 12.  Construct simple sentences
USA?  What is daily life

in China?
Unit Themes/Concepts Standard Pacing
Unit 2 1.  Forward, backward MLE5.IP1C 9 weeks
Traffic and Travel 2.  East, west, north, south MLE5.IP1D
3.  Excuse me
4.  Asking someone how to get to a place MLE5.INT1B
How do we ask direction? 5.  walk, run, turn
How do we say north, 6.  Common modes of transportation MLE5.P1C
south, east, and west?   7.  Major Chinese cities
How do we say excuse 8.  Sit, ride

me? What are some 9.  Ask someone where he is going MLE5.CU1D
major cities in China? 10

What is the most  10.  Write five simple Chinese words MLE5.CCC2B
common modes of  11.  Write radicals
transportation in  12.  Construct simple sentences
China? 13.  Celebrate Christmas
Unit3 1.  Chinese holidays MLE5.IP1E 9 weeks
Festival and  2.  International holidays celebrated by the MLE5.IP1F
Holidays      Chinese.

3.  Measure words
What are some  4.  Chinese zodiac
important Chinese  9.  Construct simple sentences MLE5.CU1E
holidays?  What are the  9.  Write five simple Chinese words MLE5.CU1F
Chinese zodiacs? 10.  Chinese New Year
How do we sing happy  11.  Yuan Xiao Festival
birthday in Chinese?      (watch the Chinese New Year variety show)
12.  Write radicals
13.  Celebrate Chinese New Year

Unit Themes/Concepts Standard Pacing
Unit 4 1.  Review elementary school Chinese lessons MLE5.IP1G 9 weeks
Comprehensive  2.  Review all vocabularies MLE5.IP1H
review 3.  Construct simple sentences MLE5.IP2C
4.  Write five simple Chinese words MLE5.INT1D
What have we learned  5.  Write radicals
in the past six years?

Can you write all

the characters that we

have learned?  How

meany measure words

do you know?  Can you

construct a sentence?

transportation in 


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