1st Grade

什么中国人吃的早餐? 你知道吗?烙饼?蓝莓松饼? 烤面包和果子冻? 不! 了解更多 What do Chinese keiki eat for breakfast? Do you know? Pancakes? Blueberry muffins? Toast with jelly? No! Watch this short clip of a real Beijing Breakfast!

1st Grade 
Unit 1 New Words

Click to listen and practice Chinese!  Movie vocabulary includes family members.  Want to see more super movies using the free iTunes app Puppet Pals?  Go to the YouTube channel Victoria Stark. 

Happy Learning!

Practice Chinese Vocabulary with Mrs. Murakami & Mrs. Maughn's Class.

   New words include shirt and coat!
   Learn More!

Mrs. Murakami & Mrs. Maughn's Class
These keiki sound really good!
Listen and learn along with them!

Mrs. Tabori's Class
Family Member Vocabulary
   WOW!  These students are really trying hard! 

Listen and Learn with this super fun song!
  You can hear Huo Gou say something 
     funny at the end!

Le Jardin Academy Mandarin Chinese 2013-2014
Grade 1
The Grade 1 language course focuses on the developemnt of communicative competence in the target language 
and understanding of the culture of the people who speak the language.  It assumes that the students have some prior knowledge
of the language and culture from previous years.
The major means of communication between students and the instructor will be in the target language.  Because students may 
begin formal language learning at various stages of their cognitive developemnt, teachers will adjust vocabulary and content
to reflect developmentally appropriate interests.
An important component of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world.  The integration of 
technology is an important tool in accessing authentic information in the target lanuage and in providing students the 
opportunity to interact with each other and outside Chinese speakers.
Unit Themes/Concepts Standard Pacing
Unit 1: 1.  Review MLE2.IP1A 9 weeks
My Family, My House 2.  Immediate families MLE2.IP1B
3.  Chinese family structure MLE2.IP2A
4.  4-2-1 family structure MLE2.INT1A
Essential Question: 5.  The difference between a Chinese family  MLE2.CCC1A
How do we address and an American family MLE2.CCC1B
family?  What is the  6.  Show and tell, student introduce their family
4-2-1 family structure? in Chinese.
How do we say simple 7.  Simple household items
household items in 8.  Simple clothing
Chinese? 9.  Combine clothig with color and numbers
10.  Combine family with numbersand description
11.  Moon Festival
Unit Themes/Concepts Standard Pacing
Unit 2: 1.  Flowers MLE2.IP1A 9 weeks
Garden and Breakfast 2.  Birds and insects MLE2.IP1B
Essential Question: 3.  Combine flowers with numbers and colors MLE2.IP2A
What plants are in a  4.  Make the connection between plants  MLE2.INT1A
garden?  What colors are      and colors MLE2.CCC1A
in a garden?  Can we  5.  Breakfast items(milk, eggs) MLE2.CCC1B
describe a garden in 6.  To eat, to drink
Chinese?  What types 7.  The difference between Chinese and American
of animals are in a      breakfast
garden?  What do  8.  The most common Chines breakfast
Chinese people eat for 9.  How Chinese people celebrate Christmas
Unit3: 1.  Common daily activities (read, sleep) MLE2.IP1E 9 weeks
Daily Life, Nationalities 2.  Look, write, listen, play MLE2.IP1F
and Cities 3.  Calligraphy (handwriting) Mle2.INT2A
Essential Questions: 4.  Chinese painting (fine art) MLE2.P1A
How do we say common 5.  Countries MLE2.CU1B
daily activities in Chinese 6.  Cities MLE2.CCC3A
What is your favorite  7.  Asking which country someone is from MLE2.CCC2B
activity?  What is the 8.  State where you are from
most common daily  9.  Tiananmen Square
activitiy for children in 9.  Major Chinese landmarks 
China?   10.  14 days of Chinese New Year
11.  Yuan Xiao Festival
12.  Watch Chinese New Year variety show
13.  Celebrate Chines New Year
Unit Themes/Concepts Standard Pacing
Unit 4: 1.  Stating time MLE2.IP1G 9 weeks
Tiem, Date, Location 2.  Morning, right now, tomorrow. MLE2.IP1H
Essential Question: 3.  The difference between liang and er MLE2.INT2B
How do you tell time? 4.  Ban and Yi Ke MLE2P1B
What is a sun dial? 5.  World time zones MLE2.CU1C
How do you tell dates 6.  Ji (how many) MLE2.CCC4A
in Chinese?  How to 7.  Dates MLE2.CCC4B
ask if someone is 8.  Weeks
going somewhere? 9.  The sun dial
How to state your  10.  School, library, restaurant
current location. 11.  Questioning a person's destination
12.  Review

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